Australian Government Introduces $10,000 Visa Subsidy Program to Address Construction Labor Shortages

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The Australian government has introduced the Construction Visa Subsidy Program (CVSP) to address labor shortages in the construction sector. This initiative offers financial incentives of up to $10,000 Australian dollars (equivalent to over N5 million) to encourage Nigerian and international construction workers to relocate.

Eligible candidates, aged 18 and above, can benefit from this program, which aims to support skilled migration visa pathways and cover expenses like migration agent fees, visa application fees, and relocation costs. The government’s statement emphasizes the need to retain skilled migrants in Western Australia (WA) and fulfill the current skill requirements of WA businesses.

Under the CVSP, payments will be distributed at various milestone points. Eligible employers can receive up to $10,000 per skilled migrant, divided into three milestones: $2,000 at Milestone 1, $4,000 at Milestone 2, and $4,000 at Milestone 3.

Skilled migrants applying for their visas from outside Australia can receive payments at two milestone points: $5,000 at Milestone 1 and $5,000 at Milestone 2. Those already onshore when the CVSP commences can receive reduced payments to account for lower costs incurred: $2,500 at Milestone 1 and $2,500 at Milestone 2.

To be eligible for Construction Visa Subsidy funds, independent skilled migrants must meet specific criteria, including obtaining a visa through the WA State Nominated Migration Program (SNMP) under visa subclasses 190 or 491. They should also be employed by a WA-based business engaged in building and construction work and work in eligible occupations as specified by the program.

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